A wild ride for AC Replacement / 1-26-21

A wild ride for AC

I had finally found a place to go and get my ac replaced hallelujah. it was an hour away and well… it was an eventful trip. It started with just getting out of the neighborhood alone, thankfully my mom joined me on this ride. Luckily there was a great great Samaritan who had pulled up beside us and told us “hey, I think there was something that had fallen off your camper on side of the rode” We had no idea! We turned aroind and sure enough, there was the back panel On the side of the road. An irreplaceable piece. We decided to turn around and get that bad boy duct taped up. It was a good thing, cause as soon as we had hit the driveway boom, the ottoman frame is hanging now just on one side. The ottoman never worked so we just took the whole thing right on off. Then we were back on the road again. Made it there (in one piece) and back! Along with the AC being replaced, yayy !!! Oh the joys of vintage campers!